121: Colour and Style Q&A: Colours change with age, issues on eyeshadow, and style transition to comfy, casual and stylish look

September 18, 2020 00:08:55
121: Colour and Style Q&A: Colours change with age, issues on eyeshadow, and style transition to comfy, casual and stylish look
Inside Out Style
121: Colour and Style Q&A: Colours change with age, issues on eyeshadow, and style transition to comfy, casual and stylish look

Sep 18 2020 | 00:08:55


Hosted By

Imogen Lamport

Show Notes

In This Episode

0.12 When I was younger I could wear dark colours such as chocolate, navy and deep burgundy. Now I’m salt and pepper should I tone them down?
2.36 I have issues with eyeshadow getting into my eyes and making my eyes water – suggestions?
4.10 I need to transition my style from work to be more casual and practical (as I’m looking after my grandkids) my style personality is elegant chic, what can I wear?

How your colours change with age

Your Colouring and The Ageing Process

The Truth About How Ageing Actually Affects Your Style

Comfy, casual and stylish outfit

10 Comfy Casual Outfit Ideas You Want to Copy Now

Dressing Up Your Casual Clothing

If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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