189: Colour and Style Q&A: Matching skirts and shoes, dressing while losing weight, and shopping clothes

March 05, 2021 00:09:18
189: Colour and Style Q&A: Matching skirts and shoes, dressing while losing weight, and shopping clothes
Inside Out Style
189: Colour and Style Q&A: Matching skirts and shoes, dressing while losing weight, and shopping clothes

Mar 05 2021 | 00:09:18


Hosted By

Imogen Lamport

Show Notes

In This Episode

0.08 I have a black denim knee length skirt from before color analysis (intriguing) that I would like to wear till I find a replacement.
My questions are: do I wear back sandals with the skirt to make it relate to me or would that only accentuate the unideal color? Do I only focus on bringing some dark/black elements to the upper body, a black necklace for example?
2.08 Do you have some tips on how to dress while trying to lose weight? I want to buy clothes that make me feel good at this weight but am nervous that I’m wasting money.
4.48 I think one of my biggest challenges right now when it comes to my style is, not knowing if I should buy pricier clothing items for style or not.

Creating your column of colour

How to Create Dramatic Outfits When Your Most Flattering Colours are Soft and Smoky

Creating Your Ideal Column of Colour

Does Everything Have to Match?

How to look good while losing weight

Top Tips for Putting Together a Wardrobe as You’re Losing Weight

How Your Body Shape May Change with Age and Weight Gain or Loss

The Best Clothing Alterations Based on Your Body Shape

Invest in your Style

7 Steps to Style System

Evolve Your Style

Understanding Colour Systems and Personal Colour Analysis

If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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