How to Choose to the Scale of Details and Accessories Based on Your Personality
Where to Find Unique, Interesting and Low Cost Accessories to Add to Any Outfit
How Do You Figure Out If You’ve Got a Warm or Cool Skin Undertone?
Your Ultimate Guide to Planning a Colour Scheme for a Wardrobe Capsule
Why Taking An Outfit Photo Can Really Help You Become More Stylish
If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.
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In This Episode 0.33 How to find things that are comfortable both in how I feel about them and how they actually feel on...
In this episode: How do I select my best neutrals? How does hair colour affect your palette and if you change hair colour does...
In this Episode 0.09 High value contrast, low colour contrast – how do I get the right value in winter and summer? Can I...