224: Colour and Style Q&A: Personal style, pants, and stylish mum.

July 09, 2021 00:19:30
224: Colour and Style Q&A: Personal style, pants, and stylish mum.
Inside Out Style
224: Colour and Style Q&A: Personal style, pants, and stylish mum.

Jul 09 2021 | 00:19:30


Hosted By

Imogen Lamport

Show Notes

In This Episode

0.08 I never know my personal style, I feel overwhelmed with all the pictures I see on social media and what clothes I like and then when I end up buying clothes they either don’t look right on me or I don’t feel good or confident in them, that’s one of the reasons I feel shopping so difficult.
8.40 It seems that cropped pants are very popular right now. I’ve tried on some in stores, but couldn’t find any that looked good on me. My legs and body are the same length, but my thighs are long and my legs from knee to ankle are short. My ankles are slim, but I have big feet. The slim legged cropped pants make my hips look very wide and my feet very large. The larger legs look equally bad. I’m an H shape with a flat butt. I normally wear slim cut pants that are straight leg or boot cut, but I’d like something cooler for casual summer wear. Most all the blogs say to never wear capris, but I’m wondering if capris the same length as my ideal skirt length wouldn’t be my best bet. You posted a blog with a very complicated mathematical formula for finding the best skirt length. Mine is at the bottom of my knee and I think that is right
13.52 I have work clothes, church clothes, social and dressy clothes. I’ve never been much into leisure wear. Now that I am at home I don’t have “stay-at-home nice clothes”. I don’t want to wear my work clothes and ruin them but I don’t have nice casual clothes. I hate “tight-feeling” clothes like jeans when I want to be comfy. I don’t have any visitors or anyone coming to the door. Any suggestions?

Knowing your Style DNA

Defining and Refining Your Personal Style

Finding Your Style and Determining the True You

How to Build Your Personal Style Home From the Foundations Up

P is for Pants

What You Need to Know About Pants and Why They Fit So Bad

P is for Pants

How to Choose Pants That Are Not Jeans or Dress Pants

M is for Mothers

5 Outfit Ideas to Steal for the Stay at Home Mum

How to Accessorize – The Busy Mum

If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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