246: Colour and Style Q&A: Activewear, Sensory Values, and Prints that Flatter.

October 01, 2021 00:08:38
246: Colour and Style Q&A: Activewear, Sensory Values, and Prints that Flatter.
Inside Out Style
246: Colour and Style Q&A: Activewear, Sensory Values, and Prints that Flatter.

Oct 01 2021 | 00:08:38


Hosted By

Imogen Lamport

Show Notes

In This Episode

0.10 I am retired and exercise and train triathlon. I am classic style with a bob. I currently wear leggings or stretch pants long legs with a top that is wickked. I get very salty hair from my workouts and am trying to develop a style where I don’t need to change more than once a day. Sometimes I might do a hard bike ride eg 2 hrs then meet someone for lunch then go swimming pm.
1.43 I don’t have a sense of what looks good on me. I also have sensory sensitivities, particularly to fabric feel and tightness. I’ve been studying color theory, and personality style. My biggest issues are trying to put all of this together while still having a functional, practical, and comfortable style for my lifestyle, which relies on layers and outfits suitable for a casual outdoorsy lifestyle.
5.22 With age I’ve shrunk and my waist has expanded and I can’t wear heels. I love wearing skirts and dresses but having difficulty choosing pattern/style for the dress which doesn’t overwhelm me or shorten me. (I am a sewer)

Activewear Outfit Ideas

Is it Time to Update Your Activewear?

Sportswear that Isn’t Black and is Stylish, Mission Impossible?

How to Choose Active Wear Tops with Colour Blocking for Your Body Shape

How Sensory Value Affects Your Choice of Style

The One Thing You May Not Think About When Buying Clothes That Will Change the Way You Shop Forever

How I Help Clients Shop Smarter By Making a Simple Purchasing Decision Graphic

Communication Styles – Are You Visual, Auditory, Cognitive or Kinasthetic?

How to Choose Prints that Flatters

3 Essential Elements to Choosing Flattering Prints and Patterns

How to Choose Print Garments That Flatter

E is for Elongation

If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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