260: Colour and Style Q&A: Bras, Style Rut, and living in the wrong climate for my style.

November 26, 2021 00:16:44
260: Colour and Style Q&A: Bras, Style Rut, and living in the wrong climate for my style.
Inside Out Style
260: Colour and Style Q&A: Bras, Style Rut, and living in the wrong climate for my style.

Nov 26 2021 | 00:16:44


Hosted By

Imogen Lamport

Show Notes

In This Episode

0.08 I can’t find a bra that fits, the cup size is not right when I choose a larger band size to fit my more expanded waist. Any tips?
6.23 I really do not know what style actually suits me. I am over 60 approximately 5ft 6in tall have salt and pepper longish hair and a pearish body shape with short body , short waist and long legs I have gained weight in the past 12 months in the hip abdominal area and have a pot belly and lost my side/hip definition therefore I don’t know what to wear and I prefer trousers
12.48 My biggest challenge is that I live in the wrong climate for my style LOL!!
I’m currently living in the UK, but I like to dress in soft, silky, lightweight satiny lacy things as well as cute kitten heels and pointy shoes. I’m either always freezing to death or dodging puddles and mud.
I just moved here 4 years ago and tried doing the lumpy sweaters and rubber wellies but I feel so *UGH* in them.
I can’t afford a total wardrobe redo, but I need to get some “sexy” back in my closet!

Bra Fit and Flattery

B is for Bras

Adhesive Bras – Do They Really Work?

Style Begins Inside Out


How to Get Out of Style Rut

Shop Your Wardrobe and Get Out of Your Style Rut

How Do I Look More Attractive and Stylish and Less Frumpy?

Using the Rule of 3 to Improve Your Personal Style

How to Stay Stylish in Cold Climate 

More Tips on Layering with Style

My Style: How to Stay Warm

How to Stay Warm in Winter without the Bulk

If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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