0.08 I know my body, colours and style recipe but still find it hard to figure out where to start when shopping for clothes. Where to start?
9.59 When everyone I work with is dressed super casually and my style is more put-together and accessories how do you talk to yourself to get over this feeling of being different?
12.55 Raincoat length with skirts and dresses – what is optimal?
Know your personal style – find out how personality influences your style choices with my 7 Steps to Style program. WIthout this, shopping is so hard.
Shopping Strategies – Are You Better Shopping Alone or With Someone?
8 Ways to Look Stylish in a Casual Environment when Jeans are Not Your Thing
How to Be Contemporary and Casual in Classic Clothing Styles
If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.
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In This Episode 0.08 I’m a farmer’s daughter / farmer / farmer’s wife / farmers mother so my lifestyle has always needed comfortable &...
I struggle with styling my clothes into outfits where I feel confident for any situation How to go medium low contrast for winter with...
In This Episode 0.08 I love ALL colors, but having too many clothes in my closet is overwhelming and then I don't even go...