93: Colour and Style Q&A: How my colours don't always seem flattering? How to wear higher column than your ideal contrast when you are overall light? How can I find a patterned top that still works for a column of color?

August 25, 2020 00:08:13
93: Colour and Style Q&A: How my colours don't always seem flattering? How to wear higher column than your ideal contrast when you are overall light? How can I find a patterned top that still works for a column of color?
Inside Out Style
93: Colour and Style Q&A: How my colours don't always seem flattering? How to wear higher column than your ideal contrast when you are overall light? How can I find a patterned top that still works for a column of color?

Aug 25 2020 | 00:08:13


Hosted By

Imogen Lamport

Show Notes

In this Episode

0.08 How if I’m wearing my colours they don’t always seem flattering? Is it because of Ideal Value and Contrast?

3.40 How to wear higher than your ideal contrast when you are overall light

5.31 How can I find a patterned top that still works for a column of color?

Contrast and Colour Palettes

Getting Your Head Around Value and Contrast – the Celebrity Version

Where Celebrities Go Right and Wrong with Their Contrast

11 Real Life Examples of Dressing to Your Contrast


Light Colour wearing a Higher Contrast

3 Ways to Wear Prints with Colour Constrast Levels Outside of Your Ideal and Look Stunning

How to Work With Your Contrast – Low Contrast

How to Wear a Multi-Coloured Item When You’re Not High Colour Contrast

Column of Colour with Patterns 

More Ways to Create a Column of Colour to Lengthen and Slim

Using a Column of Colour to Look Taller and Slimmer

Creating a Trans-seasonal Capsule Wardrobe Using a Column of Colour


If You’d Like to Define Your Style and Discover Your Colours

If you’re sick of wasting money on clothes that don’t work and you know there is a better way, then join my 7 Steps to Style program and get the right information for you and your style.

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