Latest Episodes

173: Colour and Style Q&A: How to mix and match greys? How to wear ballet flats in corporate world? How can I flatter my figure and distract from my tummy?
In This Episode 0.08 How to mix and match greys so they look good and I don’t look like I’ve gotten dressed in the...

172: Colour and Style Q&A: Options for jeans, comfortable clothes but still feel feminine and tips to flatter large bust
In This Episode 0.08 I love wearing jeans but my legs look skinny in jeans. Otherwise I have harmonious body a slight inverted triangle...

171: Colour and Style Q&A: Tips to good on video conference, finding jeans when you have O shape body and how to style poncho/blanket capes/ruanas
In This Episode 0.14 – How to look good on video conference – not corporate, but not sloppy! How to look technically competent and...

169: Colour and Style Q&A: Tips for light colouring but are overweight and feel light colours make you look larger. Choosing the right jeans rise for your body and how to avoid expensive purchase
In This Episode 0.10 What to wear when you’ve got light colouring but are overweight and feel light colours make you look larger? 4.11...

168: Colour and Style Q&A: Should you stay unique or blend in with others? Wardrobe organisation. Looking stylish.
In This Episode 0.10 Is it perceived as more friendly and open to blend in with others or be more toned down? Should I...

167: Colour and Style Q&A: Principal of volume, looking stylish in hot and humid weather and active-classic mum
In This Episode 0.09 Can you explain more about the principal of volume and how you use it with different body shapes – I’m...