0.08 How do I move away from wearing all darks to colours?
4.28 Blogs about elegance say we should never wear fabrics that crush, and I like to wear a lot of linen, but it crushes so badly. What can I wear (not synthetics) to look pressed?
7.56 Is it more important for me to make a statement or blend in with others?
How You Can Use Your Hair Texture to Determine the Fabrics You Choose
How to Choose to the Scale of Details and Accessories Based on Your Personality
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In This Episode 0.07 I’m interested in fancy barrettes/hair clips for my hair as I’m allergic to jewellery. Should I? 1.16 – How to...
In This Episode 0.10 I wanna ask about the effect of Ruching/ Gathering and Draping. - Are they curved lines and do they add...
In This Episode 0.10 I have too many things I don’t really wear but feel too bad to chuck them out. I know they...